The international drawings are a series of drawings that were created while waiting in line in my car at the international bridge to cross over from Mexico to the United States. The drawings begin when I get in line in Mexico and end in the United States when it’s time to show my passport. On bottom of the drawing I record the time I start the line to cross over, when I get to the middle of U.S./Mexico border and when I stop drawing because I have to show my passport on the U.S. side of the border. It usually takes from 30 to 45 minutes to cross from Mexico to the United States. When I start a drawing I don’t have any idea of how I will start or how a drawing will look when I have to stop. The drawings can be simple or complicated depending on the time it takes me to get across. The drawings are the same size as my passport.
The connected word series are pages from a book, connected by their repetitive words and forming unique shapes.
Growing up in the border of El Paso Texas, and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, I experienced the contrast and similarities of American and Mexican cultures. I create works across various media including painting, photography, drawing, performance art and site-specific projects. As a Mexican-American artist I challenge myself to explore border art concepts that connect the unusual dichotomy of living and working in between two countries. This work I create is an attempt to connect both cultures together instead of seeing them as separate identities. I cross the border regularly and I notice our similarities and our differences for inspiration in my work, the cuisine, the music, the art, language and many other characteristics that ultimately represent my own identity.
The Bilingual Shapes series begin by selecting a book and purchasing the English and Spanish versions. I select the numerical page from these books and position them one next to the other. I then connect translated words with a drawing allowing the final outcome as an element of surprise, connecting both cultures. As a result, I am expressing the surreal dynamics in culture overlap that is unique to the border.